Thank you, Art Cities Exchange was enjoyable and everything was very well organized 😊
I had many fruitful meetings during the meetings day, all the events were also very nice and post-tour was also very interesting and we had a very nice group there. All your colleagues were very nice and helpful and special greetings to your colleague Valentina, who accompanied us during the post trip. She was lovely 😊 Keep up the good work and looking forward to attend future events!
Estravel Group AS
My experience at Art Cities Exchange was enjoyable and I had a positive time there. The hotel was fantastic, rooms and food, also the workshop was fantastic, I didn’t have time to be bored. Interesting meetings, which I hope will use in future.
Stare Miasto
Grazie mille per avermi invitato ad ACE 2024! La mia esperienza è stata molto positiva. Ci tengo a ringraziare chi ha lavorato all’organizzazione dell’evento perché è andato tutto benissimo!
Travel Jet
Thank you so much for the organisation that went into the event! The event was thoroughly enjoyable and well organised. It was a great opportunity to meet representatives from tourism in Italy that are relevant to our product, as well as connect with others in the industry. The event was well-organised, the food and the hotel were great, and it was a brilliant opportunity to experience Rome city […] 😊 Thank you again for inviting Grape Escapes, it was a privilege for me to attend and represent Grape Escapes at the event.
Grape Escapes Ltd
Thank you very much for your assistance during ACE in Rome. Your services were well organized and your people were very courteous and professional.
Manditours International Inc.
I really enjoyed the event a lot and made a lot of new and very valuable business contacts. The organisation was great and amazing. I also enjoyed the program a lot. […] Thank you for the incredibly good organisation and the really good atmosphere!
Julia Balatka – JB travel GmbH
It was a real pleasure to participate at the ACE Rome and especially at the post tour. ❤❤❤ The group was amazing, lovely people, Valentina was so sweet and the food was gorgeous (sometimes a little bit too much 🤭) Thank you so much for this invitation and the experience in Rome and the Lazio region.
Kneissl Touristik
Thanks for having me in Rome, I really had a great time.
Rex Travel
Many thanks again for the great organization of the workshop, very valuable.
De Jong Intra Vakanties
You have been wonderful. Everything was perfectly organized and nice. Accommodation, Food etc…Thanks again. I met a lot of interesting potential partners and am very thankful for that. Bravo again!
Arista Voyages
Thank you again for the opportunity to attend the ACE event. I truly enjoyed it, learned a lot, and had the chance to meet many interesting people.
CTT Groepsreizen
I just wanted to say a high thank you for your wonderful Art Cities Event in Rome. I had a wonderful time and met some great potential partners.
I want to thank you very much for this excellent organisation and services. Also for the post tour with Valentina. She did a top job. Thank you again and I hope to see you at next occasion.
Eventagentur Haferkamp
Grazie per il grande evento – è stato molto fruttuoso – con nuovi incontri e conoscenze.
Volevo ringraziarvi per la perfetta organizzazione dell’Evento. Grazie ancora per tutto il lavoro che avete fatto per rendere Ace così perfetto.
Vi ringrazio per avermi permesso di partecipare come Buyer all’edizione 2024 del workshop A.C.E. È stato molto interessante e produttivo; i sellers che ho incontrato erano tutti interessati ad una collaborazione con la nostra azienda e parimenti anche io. Sono certo che ci saranno ottime opportunità di collaborazione con molti di loro!
TUI Italia
Vorrei ringraziarvi per l’invito e per la perfetta organizzazione 😊 come sempre, quando Comitel organizza qualcosa! Il workshop è stato molto utile, sono veramente contenta di aver avuto l’occasione di partecipare.
Just an email to thank you about the organization, the meetings were really useful and your organization was perfect.
Club Alliance
Everything was perfect. Thank you for the invitation, it was a pleasure. It is very good you invited lots of sellers!
I had a very productive trip to Rome not only did I learn a lot about the city, as I managed to get out and see the Vatican City, Sant’Angelo and the Colosseum as well as take part in the walking tour. My meetings were very productive, I have come away with potential new DMCS for us with 2 looking very promising and also new hotels that we are looking to feature in our programme. Overall it was very productive and have come back with a lot of information that I am still processing.
The organisation was perfect. Congratulations to all of you!
L’evento è stato impeccabile! Organizzazione e cortesia al top. Sono tornato a Vienna con tanti nuovi contatti e con nuovi partner. Di eventi così ce ne vorrebbero di più!
I had a great experience at ACE 2023. The event was well-planned, and the diverse range of topics covered provided valuable insights. The networking opportunities were also excellent, allowing me to establish meaningful connections in the industry. I look forward to attending future editions of ACE.”
Thanks a lot. It was most professional workshop I attended in Italy 👍
Funclub Sp. z o.o.
Thank you very much for inviting me to A.C.E Rome and it was the first time I had attended. I thought your organisation of the Event was excellent and all arrangements went very smoothly. I liked having the Workshop in the same hotel that we stayed in as it was so convenient and we didn’t lose time transferring to another venue for meetings. I was very happy with the new contacts that I made, and also the opportunity to meet up with existing contacts during the coffee breaks and dinners, and I expect to do business with a number of these new contacts. Lastly, thank you for the 2 lovely dinners out, at the UNA Trastevere and the gala dinner at Santa Severa, which was very special. The A.C.E partners were really very generous.
Vi ringrazio per l’invito e per la buona organizzazione dell’evento. I contatti che abbiamo fatto dovranno dare i frutti per i ns. gruppi dall’anno prossimo ed altri. Veramente abbiamo molto apprezzato la qualità di tutti gli incontri.
As a first-time participant, I was very satisfied with the event. It was lively, full of experiences, well organised. A great way to merge business meeting with exploring one of the most amazing cultures in the world. Italy is the best!
I attended ACE (Art Cities Exchange) in November 2023. I can honestly say that it was one of the top 3 events in the tourism industry I have ever attended. The organizing was exceptional. The food was good and the meetings & networking opportunities superlative. What I really enjoyed about the B2B meetings was the fact that it was very personal and not just a “get it done” moment. I made incredible connections and learnt even more about Italy as a destination. All areas in Italy were well represented.
And last but not least: the pace of the event was generous: there were sufficient time to relax, catch up on work and meet suppliers and industry colleagues.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend and gather knowledge for my future events.
Sono molto contenta per tutto. È stato un grande piacere stare a Roma e partecipare a questo bell’evento. Ho imparato molto, fatto dei nuovi buoni contatti e ho amato la possibilità di avere nuove esperienze e scoprire regioni nuove, offerte interessanti per quanto riguarda l’Italia. Mi è piaciuto tutto il programma, la festa venerdì sera e anche l’atmosfera. Mi sono sentita a casa.
It was wonderful! And so many new contacts with very nice people from all over the world!
I would like to herewith thank you all for the great preparation work for this event, the warm welcome and the quality of all the support and the organization on site. I have enjoyed every minute of it and made very good contact.
Grazie a voi di tutto, siete stati fantastici come sempre
Thank you so much again for everything, it has been a wonderful Fam trip!
I would like to thank everyone in COMITEL management and team for the fabulous arrangements and great organization of this tour. It has been a pleasure to participate in the post tour and look forward to seeing you all in the next event with COMITEL
Thank YOU!!! It was a pleasure for me to participate the conference in Rome last week. Very useful to me, and I hope for good business with new partners
Ci tengo a farvi i miei complimenti per l’organizzazione generale e per la qualità degli invitati presenti. Congratulazioni!
Complimenti per l’organizzazione generale, continuate così!
Il livello dei vostri workshop si mantiene sempre alto, continuate così!
Workshop eccellente e meeting molto produttivi!
Non potevate organizzare un workshop migliore, come sempre tutto perfetto!
Ottimo workshop come sempre, ringrazio per questa opportunità!
Un evento sicuramente ottimo e molto ben organizzato, incontri sicuramente molto utili per il mio business.
THANK YOU again for your kindness and your perfect ACE organization! This workshop was very productive & efficient for me
Vi ringrazio molto per l’organizzazione di questo bellissimo workshop che ci ha portato tantissimi contatti utili per il nostro lavoro!
Volevo ringraziarVi nuovamente per avermi dato l’opportunità di partecipare ad A.C.E.2021: è stata una splendida opportunità professionale ed una altrettanto piacevole interscambio umano. Mi complimento per l’ottima organizzazione ed anche per l’empatia che è ciò che rende indimenticabili certi eventi.
Riso Gallo SpA
Thank you so much for the most interesting and inspiring workshop! I have totally enjoyed and learnt a lot in a comfortable environment, and definitely to make a such workshop in Eternal city of Rome, was overall just delighful. The style and the knowledge of all presenters was amazing, and all new products have been presented in the very positive way. I have discovered a lot of new potential connections and partners within Travel Industry, and met very inspiring presenters is well. It was a pleasure to attend, thanks again for organizing such a successful workshop!
Thank you for inviting me and PAC GROUP to such a wonderful event. Everything was superbly organized. The places we visited with the group were so beautiful with a very friendly atmosphere. Thank you very much. I hope to see you soon!
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Comitel team for these great three days in Rome. The workshop was very professionally organised. All times according to the programme were as punctual as a Swiss watch. I had good and purposeful contacts. I would like to thank you once again and I am already looking forward to taking part in another Comitel event.
Forchbahn AG
Thank you so much for having me. It was a great workshop, I met some really good contacts that I hope we develop a long term partnership with. Excellent work and once again – thank you for having me.
Olive Tree Escapes
Thanks again for very professional organised workshop, it was pleasure to participate. I found plenty of new contacts, you were great hosts taking care of all. I will be glad to attend any event, that you organise in near future.
Siete stati fantstici, Bravi e grazie a voi di tutto!!!
Travco Corporation Ltd
I would like to thank you all for a great Ace workshop in Rome! It was well organized and I got some good contacts I think! Most of all it was such a pleasure to be able to meet people face to face again – and be part of a travel industry event!
Aller Travel AS
Grazie per il grande lavoro che avete fatto e per l’opportunità che mi avete dato di partecipare ad Art Cities Exchange. Sono certo che con alcuni dei contatti che ho avuto durante questa 2 giorni di incontri potrà cominciare un proficuo rapporto di lavoro; senza contare delle relazioni che si sono costruite nei momenti di networking: è stato bello tornare a conoscere e creare di persona nuovi rapporti! Complimenti per la grande e puntuale assistenza prima e durante l’evento e per l’ottima organizzazione delle sessioni di lavoro e delle attività collaterali. Spero di poter presto partecipare di nuovo ad uno dei vostri eventi.
FuorITinerario Discover your ITaly
Grazie mille ancora per il vostro invito e per la vostra inesauribile efficienza e diponibilità! Siete state tutte professionali, ma soprattutto umane e simpatiche, era come essere a casa fra amici!
Well done! Thanks to the staff of ACE, helpful, friendly and accurate.
Over 1,800 meetings taken by 93 buyers from all over the world and 68 sellers representing all Italy: the figures of ACE’s 22nd edition (1st one in the digital format) speak for themselves.
We want to thank all participants for joining this event and rating it with full marks (100% for sellers; 96,10 % for buyers). In reference with the organization, assistance, matchmaking and video-call platforms, all the sellers were satisfied and also almost all the buyers (96.2%).
As far as the business is concerned, we can say that ACE reached its goal, as all the buyers and almost all the sellers (96%) judged the contacts established as excellent or good; this makes us proud and pushes us to work harder to continue on this path, to improve and overcome this difficult moment all together.
“Ottima esperienza in termini di ospitalità, interesse della manifestazione e contatti. Anche quest’anno il workshop è stato un appuntamento molto utile sia per consolidamento di rapporti che per nuove conoscenze.”
Jet Vacations
“It was great!“
“Vi vorrei ringraziare per lo scorso Art Cities. Non solo perfetto a livello organizzativo, ma a anche a livello qualitativo dei buyers.
Un’esperienza veramente ottima.“
“You are great as always.“
Railtour · Frantour
“The programme was fabulous! In addition to making lots of contacts for my future travel bookings (for clients) I learned a lot about Italy and different places to send them. Thank you again for being such a wonderful host!“
“Perfectly organized trade show as well, very interesting and stimulating for our business, overwhelming hospitality: for me it turned out to be a great success. Congratulations!“
“Grazie mille come sempre del supporto e dell’organizzazione, sempre al top!“
“I thoroughly enjoyed the ACE 2019. Very good contacts, most meetings were very positive. I really appreciate I could participate and would love to join next editions.“
“This is my first participation in this ACE event and I am pleasantly surprised by the level of conduct, interesting suppliers. These days, I was surrounded by the attention of the organizers, had interesting and useful meetings and contacts for my future events. Warm, friendly atmosphere, unusual activities: all this gave me the opportunity to have new contacts and communication.“
“Voglio rinnovarvi il mio apprezzamento per l’ottima professionalità e la squisita organizzazione di tutto l’evento che non ha mancato di confermarmi la eccellenza della vostra organizzazione.“
“I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the excellently organized ACE 2019. I worked very fruitfully with our potential partners and enjoyed the whole program, food and hotel that you kindly provided for my accommodation! Thank you for all your efforts, help and incredible work that you have done to make all exhibitors comfortable.“
“Thank you! You did a great job! “
“Grazie a tutti voi,
la manifestazione è stata veramente ben organizzata e i contatti sono stati ottimi!
Alcune nuove collaborazioni sono già state avviate! “
“Thanks again for another well organised, productive and entertaining workshop. I had a great time and made useful contacts.“
“First of all, thank you to all of you, you have been great hosts. This time I have to admit the fair has been organized very well and even the meetings were very productive. Very positive was the fact that we stayed in the same hotel were the fair took place. So no long transfer procedures were necessary. We got even a bit of spare time to work and/or to explore the hotel. Food and beverage and even the team building program were excellent. Just go ahead like this and I am sure you will have even more requests for the next upcoming ACE events. Thank you for letting me participate.”
Tui Deutschland
“I would like again to personally thank you and your wonderful hosting from the entire Comitel staff. I look forward to building some excellent new relationships with many new partnerships. I loved the way your team ran this program and I’d like to recommend you to several other buyers who would benefit. Thanks a million.”
“A big thanks for a great organization and productive event. You did a great job, thank you very much!”
“Thank you very much for your best attention and excellent organization on 18 / 21 November 2018 in Rome. It was a really efficient program for me. Thanks a lot!”
Present Tour Ltd
“Ringrazio tutto lo staff per l’ottimo lavoro e l’ottimo workshop, a cui sicuramente parteciperemo nuovamente il prossimo anno. evento ben organizzato e buona selezione di buyer.”
Royal Group Hotels & Resorts
“Grazie e ancora grazie per l’ottima organizzazione e la splendida ospitalità.”
Jet Vacations
“Faccio moltissimi workshop in Italia, ma la ACE è davvero il mio favorito! Sia la qualità dei sellers, che la perfetta organizzazione e il programma stesso! E innanzi tutto voi “ragazze”, siete di una gentilezza e presenza straordinaria! Cordiali saluti, un abbraccio, e ci vediamo l’anno prossimo!!”
“Many thanks for the job well done. The event was organized perfectly in the right Italian way. Unusual format (buyer not the one who is running), quite laid back, not too hectic atmosphere. I was happy to meet some potential partners to work in future. Also happy that I could find time to escape for Rome touring – I was lucky to see at least main attractions, maybe not very detailed but I saw mostly everything!”
Aspera Explorations
“Thank you so much for an excellent trade fair! It was really well organised and I made lots of useful contacts. The accommodation was fantastic this year and the team building and dancing were loads of fun :)!”
Miki Travel
“It was indeed a pleasure attending the ACE and thank you for the wonderful hospitality. I am looking forward converting leads and contacts to business.”
“Complimenti per l’eccellente organizzazione e assistenza, nonché per la qualità dei buyer… “
“Thank you for the smooth and joyful organisation of ACE and post trip to Milan. I really enjoyed the time spent with you and the ACE suppliers. I met with new potential suppliers in a very cheerful and pleasant way. All the best and hope to meet again soon !”
“Grazie per il gentile supporto avuto nel corso della manifestazione. È stato un piacere aver partecipato per la prima volta, speriamo di poter essere presenti ad altri nuovi eventi organizzati da voi. Complimenti per l’organizzazione e a presto.”
“Thank you so much for a great Art Cities Exchange. I am very happy that you invited me. During the two days I met a lot of nice and interesting suppliers and I think the event was very well organized. The cooking class was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed myself during these days. Again, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to attend.”
Quest Travel AS
“Thank you very much for your kind invitation, it was very nice to know you! From the beginning you were very well planned and always very responsive. All arrangements went in smooth. During the event, all went very planned with the combination of meetings and partnership building activities. Thank you for everything and wish to see you again.”
FEST Travel
“Cara Monica, indirizzo a te il nostro feedback senz’altro positivo in merito a ACE 2018. Ti ringrazio nuovamente augurandomi a breve un’altra interessante iniziativa!”
“Dear Comitel Staff! I want to express my gratitude to you for providing an opportunity to participate in this workshop. Everything was at a high level: organization, our meetings with representatives of hotels and DMC companies and much more. We wish you further prosperity and success in your work. Thank you very much!”
Caspian Breeze Travel
“Thank you so much for a fabulous and well organised workshop. You did a very good job! It was nice to meet you in Rome and I really enjoyed the whole event. I came back with a lot of ideas and we will try to work it out.”
Expert Reiser
“Grazie mille per tutto! Organizzazione perfetta!”
“I want to thank you again for the hospitality and nice organized show It was very good!!!”
“Thank you all for a good and well planned workshop in Rome. You and the group from Comitel are always welcoming and friendly.”
“Votre organisation était excellente vraiment, bon timing, parfait dans sa dimension Humaine. Merci de votre excellent travail, fantastique organisation collective. J’ai BEAUCOUP apprécié mon premier meeting avec vous. Merci!”
“Innanzitutto volevo complimentarvi con voi per l’evento, a mio avviso è stato un grande successo!
Spero di riuscire a partecipare ad ulteriori eventi con voi e Comitel.”
“Thank you so much for invitation for Art Cities Exchange. It was very nice to meet up with many people and get more information, inspirations and ideas about beautiful Italy. Organization was very good and I am really happy I could take a part into this event. Thank you so much ?“
“Thank you very much for your email. It was great to meet you in Rome last week. The program was great and the meetings successful. We will certainly stay in touch.”
Bookunited B.V.
“Back in Hamburg I want to say thank you for a great week in Italy – with many impressions and good talks with your team and the participants. You all did a great and professional job.”
“Grazie come sempre per un ottimo Workshop! E grazie per l’aiuto in tutto!! Alla prossima!”
Ondazzurra Viaggi
“Grazie infinite di tutto, l’organizzazione e gli spazi della fiera sono stati molto soddisfacenti!”
Tomorrow Travel
Monrif hotels
“Many thanks for inviting me at ACE which is by far the best Italian workshop I have attended: very well organized with a Swiss punctuality combined to a rich social program and great networking opportunities.”
“Thank you very much for a great workshop. It was really useful and I met lots of interesting suppliers as well as becoming a golf pro :D!”
Miki Travel
Your Italy S.r.l.
“Excellent communication. Well organised and planned meeting show”
Fingerprint Events
“Great as usual!”
Bulta Tours
“È stato un vero piacere collaborare con voi, garantite sempre un livello elevatissimo di buyer! Grazie per la Vostra sempre eccellente organizzazione!”
Eitch Borromini Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
“Thank you very much for a great Art Cities Exchange. It was very well organised and the appointments were very good. I made so many interesting contacts that I expect I will have to travel back to Italy to visit several historic hotels on site-inspection. I look forward to Art Cities Exchange 2018. It is already blocked in my agenda.”
Historia Events
“Gentili Alessandra, Piergiorgio, Marta, Claudia, Monica e Valentina. Grazie per la preziosa organizzazione dell’evento.”
Turismo Torino e Provincia
“Vorrei nuovamente fare i complimenti al Comitel per l’ottima organizzazione e qualità dell’evento ACE! È stata davvero un’ottima occasione di incontro con buyer interessanti e soprattutto nuovi.”
Hotel Romanico Palace
“Thank you so much for the organisation. The Comitel team is great!!!”
Global Event Management
“Faccio seguito alla partecipazione ad ACE per ringraziarvi della ottima organizzazione del workshop che è stato molto interessante e che desidereremmo ripetere il prossimo anno.”
“Rientrata dalla bellissima esperienza di Roma, desidero ringraziare ancora tutto lo staff Comitel per l’ottima organizzazione dell’evento, per la vostra gentilezza e disponibilità!”
Cortina Marketing
“Grazie ancora per l’invito! Ho conosciuto delle belle persone al workshop, sia buyers che sellers!”
Sabtours Touristik GmbH
“Vi ringrazio ancora per la buona organizzazione dell’evento e per l’ospitalità. Cari saluti e alla prossima occasione!”
Jet Vacations